Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Screenshot Envy

Use screenshots as the primary source for gathering images into Photoshop...

Select an image to recreate.....

Select the SHAPES of VALUES in the image, using selection tools.......

Make them into masks......

Fill those shapes with screenshot images- to create a "collage" drawing of the image...

Extra tools:

Layer modes (multiply, overlay, screen)

Layer blend (double click on the layer itself)

Adjustment layers (to colorize the screen shots)


 A work in progress here.....

Monday, April 28, 2014

Check this out first

Check out this site too for use of images and marks with Collage..... cool!!!


Design Research

Looking at other designer's work is one of the best things to help you get new ideas for your work. 


Gather at least 4 images of ONE designer's work- and even a picture of the designer- to show what YOU found interesting about the person and their ideas....

Describe what art-making technique, or element of art makes the work interesting to you: is it- colors, values, images, irony, humor, special effects, ????

Here is the link to the video series... @ http://www.aiga.org/Inspiration.aspx?taxid=519

The designers are: Milton Glaser, David Carson, James Victore, Stephan Sagmeister, and Paula Sher.

Posting Your Irony Design

Please answer these questions about your irony poster:

1. What was the message you were trying to get the audience to think of?

2. Describe how you used any of these elements, in your design, to deliver the message:

Color, Value (contrast), filters and effects, images, words..... or any others not listed here.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Using Irony...

Here are some good examples I found...

First, and entire add campaign for "Nothing" - ha ha

Here is the link: http://www.aiga.org/case-study-nothing/

and here is more about the idea behind the advertising @ http://www.nail.cc/work/nothing/

Another one here @ http://justsomething.co/23-creatively-funny-print-ads-will-make-you-giggle/

above is for Lifebouy soap company- "you eat what you touch"....

Above is for Pocket Pies... a quick snack...

3M tape add..... "sticky on both sides".... for double sided tape!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Posting the Completed Animation

Post the movie and answers to these questions about your final animation...

1. Theme- What is the "big idea" behind your movie? How did you convey that idea? Did you use color, images, timing of frames, or other visual effects?

2. Which animation technique, or effect (fades, timing, movement through frame, or panning) worked best in your movie?

3. What discovery did you make while creating the movie?


Please post screen shots to show how you used the layers and animation "frames" tools...
Screen shot command is: "Command" + shift + 4..... then click and drag to select what part of the screen you want to "capture".

Monday, April 21, 2014

INSPIRATION! What do designers do?....

1. Designing for the Web is one of the new challenges for visual designers (you). Here are some web sites to see a collection of creative ways to get information across on the internet.

Look at how these sites use TYPE, COLOR, VALUES and MOVEMENT to catch your attention and get the information to you

Here's the link @ http://www.thefwa.com/

2. Finding work as a designer is a challenge.

Here is a site with wonderful interviews, articles and examples of HOW designer's get jobs, and solve problems....

Here's the link @ http://www.giantthinkers.com/

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Wow!!! Look at this cool example of someone playing with the ideas of how a web page displays information...... scrolling to make things change!

SEE the examples here @ http://pitchfork.com/features/cover-story/reader/janelle-monae/

and another one HERE @ http://pitchfork.com/features/cover-story/reader/bat-for-lashes/


Here are some great examples of poster designs for you....

Look how these designers use VALUE, SHAPE, COLOR and even TEXTURE on their work...

See more here @ http://designenvy.aiga.org/?filter_search=poster&filter_tag=&filter_category=&filter_user=&filter_month=

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

POSTER design Information...

Ok, here is some writen info to go on your poster.....

Little Shop of Horrors
Poster/Program Cover Design Contest


Design a poster for the upcoming Woodstock Academy production of Little Shop of Horrors. If chosen, your design will be featured (with credit given to you, of course!) on all Little Shop posters and on the program covers, which will be distributed to over 1,000 audience members!


-design must have a color AND black/white option (we will be printing some of both)
-design must work for all the following paper sizes:
·      8 ½” x 11 (standard paper size-flyers)
·      8 ½” x 5 ½” (for program cover)
·      11” x 17” (posters)
-must feature ALL of the following text: (the bolded information should be most prominent)
·      Woodstock Academy presents
·      Little Shop of Horrors (play title)
·      Book and Lyrics by Howard Ashman
·      Music by Alan Menken
·      Based on the film by Roger Corman, Screenplay by Charles Griffith
·      March 15th, 16th, and 17th at 7:00 pm
·      March 17th at 2:00 pm
·      in the Bates Memorial Auditorium
·      General Admission: $12
-should be eye-catching and representative of the show
-should feature your name (as poster designer)—unless you’d prefer to remain anonymous

Show Synopsis:

Set in the early 1960’s, this rock musical centers on Seymour, a young man living and working in a run-down Skid Row florist shop. He discovers a unique new plant species, bringing him fame, fortune, and the confidence to win the heart of the woman he loves—Audrey. But all goes wrong when he discovers the plant, which can talk (and sing!) has an appetite for human blood.

Please feel free to research images or further information about the play to help inspire your design!