Sunday, October 14, 2012

For Monday, October 15th! I'm out of school!!

Hello guys,

Sorry to be out..... I may be out this whole block too (ug).

We will start designing your own logos Tuesday, when I get back.... Until then you have several things to complete:

• Print your full size Type poster..... 13 X19

• Gather the logo samples

• Recreate 4 of the logos with illustrator.

If you've done all that, try this idea......

Here are some samples of these "town logos" they use "kanji" characters in their design.... It's interesting that they are Chinese characters used in Japanese writing... 

Here are links to see more of the logos listed here-

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Work for Thursday, October 11th.

Sorry that I'm missing class today- here is an interesting project for you....

We are going to explore LOGO DESIGN, so you need some background info on what a logo is...

Follow these directions to gather examples of good logo designs to inspire you when creating your own logo.

Here are those sites as links.....

Here's an example of what the gather logos would look like on the page....

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Color Halftone Effect!!!

One of my favorite effects! Here's how you do it....

In Illustrator, select a picture or shape..... the shape needs to have a colored fill (black and white won't work well)

Choose the command off the main menu...

Play with the settings for SIZE and angles of the "channels"..... the four channels relate to colors..... the bottom one is "Black"...

Try setting all but one angle to "0" to get a monochrome effect...

Here's one example of what happened to my image.... cooooooool!

Some other examples.....