Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Live Trace is a Bonus!

Use “live trace” to convert a photo into vector shapes..... so you can select and change them in Illustrator!
Here's how it works.....

1. Use the file-”place” command to get a photo into illustrator....or try drag and drop right from the desktop into illustrator :-)

2. Choose the live trace “preset” that you want.... it traces immediately... try out several presets to find the one you like.

3. After tracing, click on the “expand” button to “break” it into a group of separate shapes...

4. Select the shapes in the image to change fill colors, stroke settings, etc. You could move them, delete them, or just keep the piece that looks beautiful to you!

Monday, September 19, 2011

David Carson's type Designs

Learn from one of the best!!! Carson is a master of "breaking the rules" of typography...

Good examples of working with letters as shapes!
See more of his work here @ http://www.davidcarsondesign.com/

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gradient tool info

Here's the image for more information

Stephanie Snider's Abstractions

Snider says about this series of images, "The drawings trace sites of personal and collective memories: they map anxiety, confusion, obsessive sorts of love, puzzles, nostalgia and the tricks our minds play on us. The use of narrative is present but not prescribed, yet tonalities of disengagement are articulated, underscoring a dark thread of sadness and melancholy." 

See more of her work here @http://www.danese.com/Main/Introduction.html 


Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm reading as much as I can about this school- The Hyper Island Program.

They are considered one of the leading cutting edge design schools..... I like the energy and creativity I see in their program..

Check it out http://programs.hyperisland.se/

Creativity, thy name is Rob....

What a great, creative person :-)

Check out Rob Ryan's site- I was so impressed by his paper cuts AAAAAND the ideas behind the designs. Talk about VARIETY!

The artist in his studio....nice desk!

Perhaps we could do some of that "knife work" too.

Here's the link...... http://rob-ryan.blogspot.com/


I just found this fun site for a HUGE collection of design related images, movies and ideas! Check it out!

As you work through the site, consider "collecting" things you like, by drag-and-dropping them to your desktop folder. Our class would love to see and hear you share what you found to be interesting :-)

Here is the link @ http://designenvy.aiga.org/

Starting DESIGN 1 for 2011!

Here we go!

I'm excited to use the blog as a resource for creative design work.
Look for new links and postings to build your mind!!
