Thursday, March 28, 2013

Mr. Woodstock Ticket Info

Here is the information to have on the "Mr. Woodstock" Ticket design...

Student Council Presents
Mr. Woodstock 2013

Friday, April 5th at 7PM

in the Bates Auditorium


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Posting the Modulated Paper design project....

Post your design as a flat pattern and take a photo of the folded design....

Show how your design enhances, or hides the folding...

Write answers to these questions too:

• How did you use the elements of Art (line, color, pattern, visual texture, shapes, values) to enhance or hide the folding?

• What is your audience supposed to think of the design? What "clues" have you give them to make them think that?

Good work!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Juxtapose With Photoshop

Here's a quick, yet interesting design challenge:

Combine two images using Photoshop to create a dynamic visual effect (exciting, calm, etc.)

Use these Photoshop tools:

Rectangular selection tool (marque tool)
Select by color range, or with the magic wand...
Adjustment Layers
Layer Masks
Import  Illustrator files into Photoshop to select..

Use these Design Skills

Visual impact of juxtaposing images- making it exciting, boring or other…

Shape of the image “slices”
Frequency of the slices
Contrast – value and color changes

Use these keyboard shortcuts:

Shift to drag in alignment
option- click and drag to duplicate

Use these "Guiding Questions"...

1. How can I use COLOR and VALUE to create an emotional reaction in my audience?

2. What selection SHAPES will best relate to, or react with the image I chose?

3. How can I have a FOCAL POINT in all this visual craziness?