Monday, January 30, 2012


Please give me some advice and opinion about the class, by filling out the class evaluation sheet.
You could email me your answers, or type and print them, or even hand write them onto a print of this sheet.

Thanks for your help!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

About That FINAL PROJECT----

As you begin thinking of ideas for the final project, here are some examples from other students, and some "real world" work.

Your challenge is to design some OBJECT that will give information to an audience...... I say object, because you could make almost anything fit into this category......

Here are the requirements:

1. The object must lead the audience through a PROCESS to get the information.... (turning pages, opening boxes, solving a puzzle, etc.)
2. The object must use color, type, images and even the SHAPE of the object .... they all must relate to the information and theme (which is YOU!)
3. The object must have some clear END, or "prize" for the audience- to keep the hooked.

Here is the handout...

Here is the essay information.....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Adding Shadows With Adjustment Layers

You can use the "Hue Saturation" version of the adjustment layers to create shadows, or highlights in your image. It's easier than drawing them by hand.

1. Create an ADJUSTMENT LAYER, by clicking the button on the layers pallette, and selecting Hue Saturation...

2. Clip the adjustments to the layer by clicking the "eclipse" button on the adjustment control pannel..

3. Use the sliders to change the light and dark of the image as you like.....

4. Draw on the Adjustment layer's MASK to hide the changes..... here is the mask and the changed image..... see how the black area hides the changes?

Here is the mask.. black hides the adustment

Here is the image- see how the mask blocked the shadow?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Look how this Italian artist from the 15th Century uses objects to create portraits. do you notice that the objects all work with the theme (books for the librarian, etc.)

See more of his work @

Self portrait

"The Captain"

"The Cook"

another called "The Cook"

A double image, one view is a bowl of vegetables, or a portrait!

"The four seasons"